DSDN104 | 3.09 Final form
Monday 28 October 2013 @ 21:59
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The surface for the four fingers to rest on when held, allows the model to sit quite nicely on a surface. Also covered the foam model with a couple of coats of modeling paste, less coats on the shell than the interior portion. Less coats means that the slightly bumpy texture from the foam actually shows through, thus giving the more angular surface a rougher texture than the portion that will be in contact with the hand. When polishing it, I used up to 1200 grit to keep that part as smooth to the touch as possibly but left the outer shell at 600 grit, again to give it a relatively rougher feel. This contrast reflects of idea of "protection" because it allows the object to be soft and strong at the same time, soft to the person interacting with it, but rougher on the exposed surfaces.



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