DSDN101 | Final
Tuesday 9 April 2013 @ 20:59
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The shadows in this piece were filled in with solid black to place emphasis on the different objects in the composition and to create dimension. While most of the objects were placed perpendicularly, I used the pencils, earpiece and keys to cut through and break away from the right angles.

In this piece, very clean patterns were used, to place more focus on the sequential gradient, starting with thin lines that took up minimal space and ending with the square that is totally shaded. I decided to not use a pen here as the pencil allows for greater control when dealing with dark and light shades.

Analyse / Draw
The different materials present within the object was communicated through patterns and lines (incorporating hatch from the previous piece) so that anyone one viewing the digrams could also infer how the object would feel if touched physically. Also, focus was placed on the zip and with the other pieces following this one to create narrative as a whole.

Section / Scale
Since the wallet is a relatively simple object, I tried to bring in motion in this piece to create interest. The motion of the flap is highlighted on the left in addition to displaying the sections in the wallet. Again, the zip is filled using lines to place emphasis and continuity following the previous drawing.

In the style of...
In this piece, colour was introduced and extracted from the physical colour of my wallet. The background colour were chosen to be relatively paler and faded to allow the wallet to stand out more. For example, while in reality the snapper card is red in colour, grey was used to fill it up instead.

Again, the zip features as a dominate focus in this pattern piece and the same colours were used from the previous drawing, all to ensure continuity between each piece of work. With the exception of pink which was not added in as I wanted to keep the pattern clean and less busy since there was already quite a lot of detail in the pattern. In the process of creating this piece, I used ribbons to help visualize the twist and turns, before drawing in the teeth and box of the zip.

Window Drawings
For my final window drawings, I decided to group the drawings according to theme, the first three focuses on the human body, the next on nature and the last three on man made structures. It is also placed in such a way that there is a shift from living to non-living things from top to bottom. I tried to explore different styles of drawing within each theme. For example, in the first three, I focused on shading to make the parts look as similar to real life, while in the next three that focuses on nature, solid lines were more dominant.



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